Pass the DELPOE Entrance Exam։ DELPOE Study Guide & Hiring Process in 2025
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As part of the hiring process, the Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam (DELPOE) is included by numerous law enforcement agencies and police departments all over the United States. Although the exam is difficult, both due to the number of subjects contained within it as well as the strict time limit that it has, this doesn’t need to be the case.
With Prepterminal’s comprehensive DELPOE study guides and DELPOE practice tests, we can help you not only pass the Darany Police Exam with flying colors but also give you the ability to beat the competition with our supplemental interview and bio data guides.
About Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam
The Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam, sometimes called by those already in law enforcement as the Darany Police Exam or the DELPOE police exam, is a pre-employment assessment test designed by Darany and Associates to figure out if the candidate has the crucial skills needed to become an effective entry-level police officer or deputy
These skills, unlike other law enforcement entry-level exams, are more focused on the observational, short-term memory, reading, and writing skills of the applicant.
This is because the aforementioned skills are considered essential for an officer to have due to how they will have to use said skills on a daily basis whether it be writing reports, understanding bulletins or instructions, or even recalling a certain feature or detail about a car, establishment, person, or even a crime scene or event.
If any of these skills are not present or insufficient in a candidate, this may cause terrible if not life-threatening problems because the wrong person may be arrested if they make a mistake in writing down a description or they misunderstood a report or lookout circular.
That being said, let’s take a look at what the DELPOE assessment contains in detail.

DELPOE Police Exam Prep Course
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2025
DELPOE Entrance Exam Prep Course
Course Content
- 1Written CommunicationBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2BONUS 911 Prep ModuleBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- Data Entry & Typing - Written Guide
- Data Entry Cards Questions
- Data Entry Forms
- Data Entry Cross Referencing
- Cross-Referencing Questions
- Dispatcher Incident Call 1
- Dispatcher Incident Call 2
- Dispatcher Incident Call 3
- Dispatcher Incident Call 4
- Dispatcher Incident Call 5
- Dispatcher Incident Call 6
- Dispatcher Incident Call 7
- Dispatcher Incident Call 8
- Dispatcher Incident Call 9
- Dispatcher Incident Call 10
- Dispatcher Incident Call 11
- 3Interview & Background CheckBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 4Map ReadingBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5MemorizationBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6Situational JudgementBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7Inductive ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8Non-Verbal AnalogiesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9Spatial AwarenessBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10Verbal ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 11Incident Report WritingBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 12BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 13VocabularyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 14Reading ComprehensionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 15RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 16PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 171/2/3/4 OperationsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 18Word ProblemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 19Number SeriesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 20Life Experiences SurveyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 21IntroductionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
What Subjects are Included in the DELPOE
The Darany Police Exam contains 169 multiple choice questions in total spread over four sections, one of which will revolve around your previous employment or work history.
Each test-taker will be given 2 hours to answer all of the questions in the exam.
For some, this may be enough, but considering the fact that the DELPOE is also designed to be challenging so that only the best will be considered, answering questions carelessly won’t just hurt your score but will also affect your chances of being hired.
DELPOE Recall of Visual Details Section
Like its name, this section of the Darany Police Exam will is visual in nature and is meant to gauge the extent of your observation and memory skills, down to the smallest detail if possible.
This is because police officers have tasks and responsibilities that are directly tied to remembering specific details in a crime scene, incident location, or even the actions or appearance of the individuals present when a situation occured.
The exam measures your ability to remember both obvious and minor details by making you observe an image of sorts for a very short period of time before being made to answer 40 questions regarding the details present in the printed image.
What makes this section of the DELPOE difficult is the fact that there will be a lot of ‘junk data’ or details or the image will be filled with too many objects in an attempt to try and overwhelm the test-taker with information and make them panic, thus affecting their score and their performance in the exam almost immediately.
Fortunately, our DELPOE study guide was created to contain tips and strategies that help our reviewers improve their proficiency in answering this section of the exam, with some being able to get a perfect score.
DELPOE Written Communication Section
This section of the Darany Police Exam is similar to reading comprehension and a bit of reading expression tests because it is focused on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and proper tense usage.
Generally, the applicant will be made to answer 40 questions by either having to figure out if a sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.
Other times, however, they will be tasked with figuring out which of the provided sentences is grammatically correct or incorrect or how many mistakes are present in a single sentence or paragraph, making it more of an ‘error-recognition’ test.
Although this looks more manageable than the previous section, the DELPOE assessment is known to use police or law enforcement-related terms which can make the questions more difficult if you are not familiar with how they are used or if some spelling or terms are interchangeable.
DELPOE Reading with Understanding Section
Possibly the most difficult part of the Darany Police Exam. In this section, you will be given a question following a passage of sorts whose length ranges from a few sentences to a number of paragraphs. In general, you will be tasked with figuring out how the passage applies to the question by picking one of the choices provided to reflect this.
This is included in the Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam because law enforcement agencies need to make sure that prospective candidates can not only read but also understand complex instructions or reports, things that will be commonly encountered in their day-to-day activities.
Other times, however, you will be asked about specific ideas, details, or facts that are stated in the passage.
All in all, there will be 35 questions in this section of the Darany Police Test and they will revolve around law enforcement reading materials such as state/city laws, legal documents, department regulations, general orders/directives, policies, procedures, bulletins, and announcements.
DELPOE Biographical Inventory Section
Also known as the Bio Data section, this is the last part of the Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam, and possibly the one where applicants will lose a significant amount of points.
Note: how we described it as such without calling it ‘difficult’.
This is because this section is, by technicality, the easiest one to answer due to the fact that there are ‘no right or wrong’ answers here because you only need to honestly answer questions that relate to your personal background including any previous jobs or occupations that you had. It is through this that the last 54 questions of the DELPOE will be given to you and the questions are specifically designed to ONLY focus on your personal background and nothing more.
The Biographical Inventory section is known to cause test-takers to lose points because of its self-assessment nature and law enforcement agencies do not disclose their answers at all nor do they share the same ‘answer key’ as this section is tailored based on the needs of the police department that issues the DELPOE.
Despite this, our Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam Prep Course contains a dedicated DELPOE Bio Data study guide specifically made to help our reviewers get as many, if not all, points in the last stretch of the Darany Police Exam by giving them pointers and tips on how to answer each question.
How Prepterminal Can Help You in Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam
The DELPOE is a difficult pre-employment written test, and for good reason. With how many applications law enforcement agencies all over the U.S. receive each year for an entry-level position, it is in their best interest to make sure that only those who show the most potential or excel in all aspects of the Darany Police Exam are invited to the next stage in the hiring process.
As a result, the competition is always stiff with some applicants being turned away or passed over for another because another person was one point higher than them on numerous occasions
This means passing and acing the DELPOE assessment at the first possible opportunity should be your priority as you might not get a second chance and slots or vacancies in each police department or law enforcement agency are always limited with as much as ten candidates competing for a single vacancy.
But with the help of our Darany Entry Level Police Officer Exam Preparation Course, this doesn’t need to be the case for you.
Our DELPOE prep pack is designed by law enforcement test developers and professionals that regularly keep an eye on the contents of the exam itself, allowing us to produce numerous comprehensive Darany Police Exam study guides and full practice tests containing questions that are similar or likely to appear in the actual exam itself.
It is also through their help that we were able to produce a supplemental interview guide so that our reviewers have all the resources that they can get to stand out from other applicants and increase their chances of being hired even if it is their first attempt in taking the DELPOE.

Created by: Matthew Appleyard
Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
4604 students, 4.7, 810 Reviews
Hey, welcome to our DELPOE Police Course Guide. I’m Matthew Appleyard, I am here to assist you with any queries about the DELPOE Police Course. Don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].