Free Elevator Industry Aptitude Test (EIAT) Practice and Study Guide 2025
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The National Elevator Industry Education Program (NEIEP) was created by the International Union of Elevator Construction (IUEC) and the National Elevator Industry Inc. The program is a labor-management and education initiative.
Getting at least 70% on the EIAT is essential, as if you don’t achieve at least 70 points out of 100 you will not move on to the interview stage. Your mark on this test will play a part in your general ranking. Employers will likely recruit applicants with top rankings.
EIAT Mechanical Quiz
EIAT Verbal/Reading Comprehension Quiz
EIAT Numerical Quiz
What is The Elevator Industry Aptitude Test? (EIAT)
The Elevator Industry Aptitude Test (EIAT) is a test used to screen potential employers. The test assesses the reading, mechanical, and numerical abilities of a candidate. It also involves a face-to-face interview. To pass the written part of the EIAT test candidates will need to get a score of 70 points or higher.
The EIAT also has a number of names depending on who you talk to in the elevator industry, among them are:
- The Elevator Industry Aptitude Test
- The Elevator Mechanic Apprenticeship Entrance Exam
- The EIAT Test
- The Elevator Aptitude Test
- The Elevator Union Test
- The Elevator Union Aptitude Test
- The Elevator Apprenticeship Test
- The NEIEP Aptitude Test
Organizations will consider the results of your written test and interview to see if you are a suitable candidate for the job. It’s crucial that you get a top score on the EIAT test, if you wish to prove to potential employers that hiring you is the right decision.

EIAT Prep Course
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2025
EIAT Prep Course
Course Content
- 1SpringsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2PressureBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3MagnetismBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 4Electric PowerBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5Electrical CircuitsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6Series & Parallel CircuitsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7Gas PressureBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8Circular MotionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9BallisticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10Other Simple MachinesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 11Pulley SystemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 12GearsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 13LeversBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 14Wheels & BeltsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 15AcousticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 16BuoyancyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 17OpticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 18ThermodynamicsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 19Lowest ValuesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 20Word ProblemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 21Number SeriesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 22AntonymsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 23Inductive ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 24AnalogiesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 25Non-Verbal AnalogiesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 26Spatial AwarenessBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 27Formal LogicBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 28BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 291/2/3/4 OperationsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 30Rates & ProportionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 31RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 32TablesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 33PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 34Currency ExchangeBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 35Mechanical ConceptsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
How to Apply for an Apprenticeship in the Elevator Industry?
The steps to becoming an Elevator Construction Apprentice are as follows:
- Apply for the position that interests you
- Complete all steps in the application process
- Pass the elevator aptitude test
- Complete the tool assessment test
- Pass the interview process
What is the tool assessment test?
For the tool assessment test, you need to have a basic knowledge of tools and how you use them. You should also have an understanding of measuring skills. The tools include Phillips screwdrivers, diagonal cutters, lineman’s pliers, crimpers, and tape measure. Make sure you know how to read a measuring tape before you sit this test.
Pass the interview process
The test interview will be run by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee (JAC). The interview will last for between 15-20 minutes. In the interview, you will get a score from two judges, and the average of these two scores will form your final interview mark.
So, what will occur after you complete your interview?
A candidate’s interview score will be calculated according to the average of the two interviewers. You can pass or fail the interview. 70% is the minimum passing score to be granted a rank on the Local’s hiring list.
To get the last and final score, the organization will add up all your scores from the EIAT, interview, and tools test. From that, they will divide you into four different tiers, specifically:
Tier 1 (96 – 100 Points)
Tier 2 (90 – 95 Points)
Tier 3 (80 – 89 Points)
Tier 4 (70 – 79 Points)
As mentioned before, you must strive to get a higher score in the elevator aptitude test, because the higher in the top tier you are in, the greater the chances that the employer will choose you.
Prepare for BKSB Exam with Prepterminal
Preparing for the numerical and English parts of these exams will better your chances of acing the BKSB exam.
Practice will make sure that you have the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. It will also ensure you are familiar with the sorts of questions you will likely see on this exam.
If your aim is to start your college education with a full-credit, college-level course or to get a job as an apprentice, then you must make time to fully prepare.
Prepterminal has all the material and information you need to prepare for and ace your BKSB Assessment.
What are the Components of the EIAT Test?
All candidates who complete their application in a timely fashion will be given an elevator aptitude test which will assess their reading, math skills, and aptitude.
The tests examine you on three primary skills:
- Reading Comprehension – this section will ask the candidate to show their understanding of English, including word understanding, sentence, and reading comprehension.
- Mechanical Comprehension – this section will ask the candidate to prove they have knowledge of the basic mechanical concepts connected to the job.
- Arithmetic Computation – in this section the candidate will need to use basic maths skills and numerical reasoning and could need to understand typical mathematical formulas.
Each of the three sections will contain around 30 to 35 multiple-choice questions, which you must finish within 15-20 minutes. Note, that you are not permitted to bring a calculator to the EIAT test. You must answer them manually.
The is a pass or fail assessment, and you will need to get 70% or higher to pass. If you happen to fail, you can re-apply in the subsequent recruitment period. Those who pass the elevator aptitude test will need to then complete a tool recognition test and an interview. Top scores on both these tests better your likelihood of being asked to complete an interview.
Tips on How to Ace the EIAT
Tip #1. There are no penalties for choosing the wrong answer to a question. This means that it is worthwhile guessing. Try not to spend too long on one question, if you don’t know an answer, guess and move on.
Tip #2. It is not sufficient to simply pass. It is essential that you do very well on the EIAT, as you will get a ranking according to your test and interview results. Potential employers will look to see who, out of all the candidates, has received the top rankings.
Tip #3. Ensure that you practice before the day of the test as your score will influence your future.
Tip #4. Practice fine-tuning your skills. Practice and repetition will give you the skills you need to answer more questions right within the time of the test.
Tip #5. Make sure your math and reading skills are up to scratch. You may feel a little rusty in certain areas, so concentrate on these topics to make them stronger.
How Prepterminal Can Help You in the Elevator Mechanic Apprenticeship Entrance Exam
Getting at least 70% on EIAT is essential to move on to the interview stage. Your grade on the EIAT will be considered in your overall ranking.
Prepterminal’s comprehensive preparatory EIAT course will help you learn what you need to know for the day of your EIAT test. Our detailed and engaging course features both video-based and written content.
No matter what your learning style is, you are sure to walk away from our course with the confidence and know-how you need to ace your Elevator Industry Aptitude Test assessment when you study with Prepterminal. Our prep course also has practice questions to help you refine your reading, math, and mechanical aptitude skills.
The International Union of Elevator Construction (IUEC).
You need to score at least 70 out of 100 to pass the exam. If you get 69.5 or less, you will have to reapply and resit the EIAT.
Applicants need to be eighteen (18) years of age.
You must have a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent.
Apprentices help in the maintenance, installation, and repair of passenger and freight elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks. They receive their directions from a mechanic.
You need to apply through an open recruitment process, and complete the application process. This involves an application, aptitude test, tool assessment, and an interview.

Created by: Michael Lerner
BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
460 students, 4.7, 75 Reviews
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