Numerical Reasoning Test: Take Free Practice Tests (2025)
- Overview
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A numerical reasoning test is a type of psychometric assessment typically utilized in the application step of the hiring process. It is created to assess an applicant’s numerical aptitude and capacity to analyze, form conclusions, and interpret data.
They are generally used together with other psychometric assessments, such as personality tests, verbal reasoning tests, and situational judgment tests.
Numerical reasoning tests are distinct from standardized math tests. A typical math test will examine a student’s capacity to learn and apply mathematical skills according to a syllabus. Comparatively, numerical reasoning tests show how well a candidate is able to apply their numerical knowledge in realistic conditions.
Although general arithmetic, fractions, averages, and percentages are features of a numerical reasoning test, statistical data is the central focus. Applicants need to work with tables, charts, and graphs to discover important figures and facts. They will need to use their logic to provide an answer to a worded question.
You could be asked to complete a numerical reasoning test if you are seeking a job in a numeracy-based area, including insurance or finance. Yet, they are increasingly common for any job that requires a certain level of numerical analysis or data interpretation.
Why and How Do Employers Use the Numerical Reasoning Test?
Employers typically use numerical reasoning tests for one or several of the following reasons:
How much does it cost to take the ParaPro Assessment?
Including your ability to interpret numerical information presented in tables and graphs
They are dependable and provide relevant predictions
Numerical reasoning tests provide employers with a solid indication of an applicant’s numerical reasoning skills. They also predict whether or not you will be capable of dealing with numerical data efficiently when on-the-job
To filter through candidates, particularly at the start of the hiring process
When numerical tests are used together with other psychometric tests they can help employers reduce the very large number of applicants.
Employees generally rely on famous numerical reasoning tests types and test provider companies
SHL, Cubiks, Talent Q (Korn Ferry), Cut-e, IBM Kenexa, Revelian, Saville, and Pearson

Numerical Reasoning Prep Course
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2025
Numerical Reasoning Prep Course
Course Content
- 11/2/3/4 OperationsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2Rates & ProportionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 4TablesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5Currency ExchangeBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7Lowest ValuesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8Word ProblemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9Number SeriesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10Advanced Algebra and FunctionsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- Factoring
- Quadratics
- Radical and Rational Equations
- Functions
- Polynomial Equations
- Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
- Trigonometry
- Factoring Practice Test
- Quadratics Practice Test
- Functions Practice Test
- Radical and Rational Equations Practice Test
- Polynomial Equations Practice Test
- Exponential and Logarithmic Equations Practice Test
- Trigonometry Practice Test
- 11Algebra QASBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- Rational Numbers Practice Test
- Probability Sets Practice Test
- Descriptive Statistics Practice Test
- Linear Applications and Graphs Practice Test
- Linear Equations Practice Test
- Geometry Concepts Practice Test
- Algebraic Expressions Practice Test
- Exponents Practice Test
- Ratio and Proportions Practice Test
- Ratio and Proportion
- Descriptive Statistics
- Probability Sets
- Linear Applications and Graphs
- Linear Equations
- Algebraic Expressions
- Exponents
- Rational Numbers
- 12ArithmeticBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
How do Numerical Reasoning Tests Work?
It is important to keep in mind that numerical reasoning tests are not equivalent to math tests. You will not need to recall formulae, particularly as they generally permit calculators.
The common features of a numerical reasoning test are as follows:
- No prior knowledge is needed – you don’t need to memorize any equations
- Multiple choice questions – you don’t need to provide longhand answers or to show your workings
- Limited testing time – numerical reasoning tests generally have strict time-limits
- Pertinent to the job you are applying for – based on the type of numerical information you will be dealing with in the workplace
- Based solely on the information provided – you don’t need to form assumptions about data or information you are not provided with
Numerical Reasoning Test Typical Structure
Numerical reasoning tests are generally short multiple-choice assessments. The length of these tests may vary from approximately 10 to 45 minutes. As a rough guide, you will need to answer one question for every minute, however, some more challenging tests may demand greater speed.
If you have the appropriate knowledge, the questions themselves are not too demanding. Yet, these assessments included the added complication of the time limit and distractors.
Most test publishers make use of distractors – which are answer options that appear very similar to the right answer.
Furthermore, numerical reasoning assessments for graduate-level positions might include information that is not related to the proposed question. The information is included simply to distract you. So, you may need to use several processes to form the correct conclusion.
Scoring System of the Numerical Reasoning Test
How well you have done in your numerical reasoning tests will generally be measured comparatively. Your employer will get your raw score (the number of questions you answered correctly) which will then be calculated against a benchmark score.
This benchmark score will either be determined according to the historical scores of employees in related or similar job positions or on the performance of other applicants.
There is no negative or differential scoring. You will receive one point for each answer you get correct, and you won’t receive a negative mark for an incorrect answer.
5 Question Types on Numerical Reasoning Tests
You should expect to have to answer various questions that deal with aspects of your numerical understanding. Let’s take a deeper look into each question type.
1) Tables & Graphs
You will likely be presented with numerical estimation questions. You will be asked to provide an approximation, rather than an exact number, typically via graph interpretation.
You will also be asked data interpretation questions. With these types of questions, you might be shown numerical data such as charts and tables, a paragraph of written text, or a graph, and you will need to form an inference according to the information given.
2) Currency & Units Conversion
Currency conversion questions often appear in numerical reasoning tests.
3) Percentages
These typically feature numerical computation or general arithmetic, where you will be asked to deal with subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication, as well as topics such as percentage change.
4) Ratios
You will commonly be asked questions that deal with simplified ratios.
5) Number Series
Numerical reasoning questions are typically presented as a number series, where your numerical logic will be examined, as opposed to your capacity to carry out basic calculations.
Numerical Reasoning Test Tips
#1. Review and revise your basic maths
Focus on the following skill areas:
- Basic arithmetic
- Ratios
- Percentages
- Estimates
- Fractions
- Data manipulation (particularly in relation to currency and measurement, and time)
#2. Work on your accuracy and speed
Through practice, you can learn how to manage your time in the best possible way as both accuracy and speed are core to your success.
Candidates who practiced prior to the day of the real test have shown to have a better chance of presenting their “best work”. In this way, they are more likely to work accurately and quickly and thus to answer questions correctly, than those that have not prepared.
#3. Complete mock Numerical Reasoning tests
Numerical reasoning tests assess how well you can interpret and apply the data presented. You will need to know how to apply basic mathematical knowledge. Preparation and practice are core to your success. Once you become familiar with the style and structure of numerical tests you will be able to perform at your optimum level.
#4. Learn about the test you are going to take
Check with your employer to see what test(s) you are required to take. You should also ask for the name of the test provider. This way, you will know how long the test will be and how many questions you will need to answer.
How Prepterminal will Help you to Prepare for a Numerical Reasoning Test
Practice and preparation will help reduce the element of surprise and will provide you with the level of confidence you require to achieve your best. Our psychometric test experts, at Perpterminal, have created a specific Numerical Reasoning Test Prep course to help you outperform the competition.
Our Numerical Reasoning Prep Course features 4 video guides to keep you engaged while you learn. 29 written guides and 29 subject tests to ensure you get exactly the right information you require to pass your numerical test.
What’s great is that our Prep Course also features over 500 practice questions so that you can try your hand at genuine numerical reasoning test problems.
When you sign up for our Numerical Reasoning Prep Course you will also receive a BONUS Interview Prep Video Module!

Created by: Michael Lerner
BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
1877 students, 4.3, 313 Reviews
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