The P&G Online Assessment: An Accurate Guide on Peak Performance Assessment
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As one of the largest consumer goods companies with over 100,000 employees worldwide, Procter & Gamble uses the P&G online assessment to help make sure every individual they hire is competent and can adjust to their company culture. In essence, the P&G online assessment is a rigorous cognitive and personality test. The test is also known as the P&G assessment or P&G assessment test.
If you are thinking about applying to work in one of their many offices throughout the world, you will need to complete the P&G assessment test first before you’ll be allowed to proceed through the other parts of the hiring process.
The Procter & Gamble Hiring Process
The P&G hiring process is made up of four stages.
#1. Filling out the online application form
When applying to work at P&G, you first need to fill out an online application form with all of your basic details. This part of the process gives you the chance to tell P&G about yourself.
#2. Completing a questionnaire and uploading your resume
You will then complete a questionnaire and upload your resume.
You will be invited to take the P&G assessment test only if you are successful in your completion of the first two steps of the online application process.
#3. Passing The P&G online assessment tests
Every candidate applying for a job position at P&G is required to take the P&G online assessment tests. The online tests are used to ensure correct placement and roles within the company, and also to determine whether or not you’d be a good fit for the company culture and work environment at P&G. There are two types of online tests that you will be required to take:
- Peak Performance – a workplace situational judgement test.
- P&G Online Assessment – a test that aims to determine the candidate’s numerical and logical reasoning skills.
Note: that you must pass the P&G Peak Performance test to be eligible to sit the Online Assessment test.
#4. Interview
If you did well with the Procter & Gamble assessment, you will then be invited over for an interview. Your initial interview could be an over the phone interview, or it may be held in a P&G office or on a college campus. You may be interviewed by one P&G individual (recruiter or company branch manager) or by 2 or 3 Procter & Gamble individuals.
They will ask you about your background and your motivations as to why you want to work with the company, for example:
- Tell me about an experience when you cooperated well with others.
- Give an example of a time when you developed a new idea or process.
You will also be asked about your thought process connected to job-role-situations, for example:
- If you were assigned a complex project, how would you make sure it works well?
- What would you do if you had a conflict with a colleague?
The majority of final interviews last for 45-60 minutes. However, there is no strict time-frame. Among other things, the aim of the interview is to give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the P&G environment and operations and to get to know the people.
With tens of thousands of applicants vying for a chance to become part of the company, putting your best foot forward in the P&G test by doing your best to prepare and study for it will be the least that you can do to stand out from the competition.
A good way to do this is to make good use of P&G assessment test study guides that can not only help you with the personality aspect of the P&G test but also the ones contained in the P&G reasoning test.
What is The P&G Peak Performance Assessment?
Before you are made to take the P&G Assessment, you will first be made to go through the P&G Peak Performance Assessment, which is Procter & Gamble’s flagship personality assessment.
The P&G Peak Performance Assessment is a workplace situational judgment test, which is intended to accurately measure the applicant’s fit for the job with regard to personality and attitude in given workplace situations.
In the Peak Performance Assessment, the candidates will be given a number of questions regarding a hypothetical situation with four response options to indicate how they are most likely to react.
While the ideal answers may seem obvious, it is common for the ideal answer to vary based on the particular job role or position that you are applying for, and the people assessing your answers are actively looking for this. Prepterminal’s Peak Performance Guide explores these issues and explains exactly what you need to know going into the test.
If you’re successful, you’ll move on to the Procter & Gamble Assessment Test.

P&G Prep Course
Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024
P&G Prep Course
Course Content
- 1IntroductionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 21/2/3/4 OperationsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3Rates & ProportionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 4RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5TablesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6Currency ExchangeBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8Inductive ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9Non-Verbal AnalogiesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10Spatial AwarenessBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 11PEAK Performance AssessmentBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 12DOTS AssignmentBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 13Switch ChallengeBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 14BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
About the P&G Online Assessment Test: All You Need to Know Before the Real Exam
In 2019, the retired P&G Reasoning Test was superseded by the P&G Interactive Assessment distributed by the company AON (previously known as Cut-e). This program works like an app, using activities that resemble games.
The Procter & Gamble Interactive Assessment is made up of the following three parts: Switch Challenge, Grid Challenge, and Digit Challenge.
- The Switch Challenge assesses your abstract-logical reasoning skills.
- The Grid Challenge assesses your cognitive ability, short-term memory, and spatial skills.
- In the Digit Challenge, you are presented with an equation with missing numbers. You’ll need to replace the blank areas with the actual numbers.
The Switch Challenge
The Grid Challenge
In this ‘game’ you need to recall dot locations on a grid, while also answering other tasks.
The Digit Challenge
Here you will be shown equations that have a predefined result, operators, and empty spaces. You will need to identify a combination of digits that will fill in for the empty spaces so that the equation is right.
All components of the P&G test are equal in importance, so to secure your success in this stage of the application process you need to prepare thoroughly in all areas.
Unlike some tests, you can’t skate through this by being strong in only a few areas. Not only does Procter & Gamble have access to all data from the test, but they can immediately see your score on each section, and you need to score well on all three!
The Three Games that Test These are:
#1. Missing Numbers
In this part of the test, you will receive an equation with missing numbers, and you need to calculate the missing numbers and you will have six minutes to finish this portion of the program.
In the current version of this test, you will see an incomplete equation with a keypad containing all the available numbers with the highlighted frame in the user interface will indicate a gap that is selected.
Test-takers can select a gap by simply tapping/clicking on it before choosing their answer for it. Given the nature of this question format, it is possible for each question to have more than one answer so you don’t have to worry about choosing.

Correct Answer: 6, 3, and 5
(6 X 8) + 3 – (8 ÷ 5) + 4 = 53.4
#2. Symbols, Tubes, and Numbers
In this part of the test, there will be two rows containing the same number and type of symbols.
The top row will be considered as the ‘initial order’ of symbols while the bottom row will be considered as the ‘new order’ of symbols because the bottom one will have the positioning of the symbols randomized or jumbled up.
Between these rows will be a tube containing three branches that each contain a set of numbers that will the symbols in the top row, like if a triangle is the first symbol then it will be assigned to the number ‘1’.
On the other hand, the order of the numbers will indicate the position of the symbols in the bottom row.
In order for you to gain points, you will be tasked to choose the correct number set that accurately shows the new position or order of the top row symbols based on the positioning of them in the bottom row.
Each test-taker has six minutes to complete as many question sets as possible.

QUESTION: What is the sequence?
A. 1432
B. 4312
C. 1324
D. 2143
Answer: B

#3. Dots
This part of the test is a fast-paced assessment that is usually made up of three rounds and will take around 12 minutes to complete.
Here, the test taker will see an image that contains a number of holes. In each round, a dot will appear in one of the holes and you will be tasked to remember its position before being made to do a number of tasks. These tasks can vary from having to determine if an image set is similar, inverted, or modified in some way.
After answering these tasks, you will then be shown an image with a number of holes, one of which will have a dot before being made to do a number of tasks once again.
Following this, after completing these tasks and looking at the dotted images 2 to 5 times, you will then be asked to recall where the position of the dotted holes are.

QUESTION: Is the figure above symmetrical? Yes/No
A. 1432
B. 4312
C. 1324
D. 2143
Correct Answer: No
How to Pass the P&G Online Assessment
As shown above, the P&G assessment test is a rather difficult aptitude test to get through, especially with how it’s administered so early in the hiring process, and for good reason.
Our comprehensive P&G Online Assessment Prep Course is designed and formulated by psychometric and aptitude test experts and professionals who regularly keep an eye and research the contents of the P&G assessment test so that our guides are always up-to-date.
Our courses are:
- Video-Based – visual learning that guides you through the tips.
- Structured and Modular – based on an explicit, progressive curriculum.
- Friendly and Accessible – allowing you to learn and practice at your own rate.
What’s better is that our prep course comes with bonus Peak Performance test prep material, so you can familiarize yourself with the content of this workplace situational judgment test. Learn how traits are assigned and what your potential employer is seeking. Practicing in advance will help you stay calm under pressure, manage your time, and recognize the types of questions that bring in the most marks!

Created by: Michael Lerner
BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
1426 students, 4.3, 238 Reviews
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