Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Course

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Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Course
  • 1 Week
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Months
Total: $78.90

Great decision! See how our Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Course helped 6876 students:

Worth the Spend

The course is well-structured, informative, and practical, and it will give you the skills and confidence you need to succeed.

Claudia Ogden

Good Experience

I liked the report feature in the practice sets. As soon as I clicked on "View Questions", I was able to see which questions I got wrong and why. This was incredibly helpful.

Cecil Glenhister

Great Value

I was struggling with identifying unstated assumptions and evaluating arguments at first. I read a lot online and panicked because it all seemed so tough. But the prep material covered these areas so well. The practice questions and explanations really helped me understand and get better at them.

Jennifer Puente

Great Insights

I bought this course along with another one, and I have to say, this one was the real game-changer. The explanations were clear, the practice questions were challenging, and the instructor was knowledgeable and helpful

Jessie Nunez-Fernandez

The Reports Are Good

I was in a bit of a bind, as I had left my preparation for the Watson Glaser test until the last minute. But, I was determined to do well, and I knew that I needed to find a course that would help me to prepare quickly and effectively. This course was exactly what I needed.

John OConnell