Cut-e Test (AON): Test Types, Guide and Tips [2025]
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Established in 2002, cut-e offers online questionnaires, gamified assessments, and aptitude tests for selection, attraction, development, and talent management. In 2017 cut-e was acquired by the global professional services company, Aon. You will, in all likelihood, need to take several aptitude tests as part of a cut-e assessment, according to the position you have applied to.
You can improve your chance of achieving a high cut-e test score by practicing leading up to the day of the test. At PrepTerminal we have developed a cut-e prep course tailored to meet your Aon test requirements
What is the Cut-e Test?

Cut-e is a talent measurement and psychometric exam company that offers recruitment tools to assist businesses in locating the right candidate for the job. It is owned by Aon and is used by companies including, Grant Thornton, Dell, Lidl, and Red Bull. Cut-e is unique as candidates are given a very short time frame to complete their exams. The assessments last no more than 12 minutes.
The apparent simplicity of their tests may mask the fact that these are highly selective exams. Cut-e provides a number of various types of tests, each of which is focused on a specific subject. The aptitude tests provided by cut-e include the numerical ability test, the abstract logical ability test, the verbal ability test, the cognitive ability test, and the special knowledge of skills test. Aside from the aptitude assessments, cut-e also has various questionnaires. The Situational Judgement Questionnaire evaluates how the candidate would react when confronted with a crisis or conflict in the workplace. The cut-e Personality, Values, and Integrity Questionnaires examine your personality characteristics.

Cut-e/AON Prep Course
Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024
CUT-e AON Prep Guide
Course Content
- 1Verbal ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2AnalogiesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3AntonymsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 41/2/3/4 OperationsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5TablesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8Switch ChallengeBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9Cut-E Spatial Ability GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10Scales CLS Practice TestBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 11Scales LSTBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 12Mechanical ReasoningBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 13Mechanical TestBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 14Cut-E Behavioral Assessments Written GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 15Cut-E Behavioral AssessmentsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- Cut-E Behavioral Assessments Written Guide
- Cut-E Shapes Behavioral Assessment - Emotional Trait Practice Test
- Cut-E Shapes Behavioral Assessment - Intellectual Trait Practice Test
- Cut-E Shapes Behavioral Assessment - Interactive Trait Practice Test
- Cut-E Shapes Behavioral Assessment - Operative Trait Practice Test
- 16BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
Types of Cut-e Tests
According to the position you have applied for you can expect to take several aptitude exams as part of your cut-e testing process. Cut-e has a wide variety of tests. These tests are outlined below. Let’s take a look at them individually.
Cut-e Numerical Ability Test
The cut-e numerical test measures a candidate’s ability to use the information and form logical conclusions from numerical data given in charts and tables. On the cut-e numerical exam, numerical data is given in tables and charts in a particular format, that looks like a classic case study. All tables and charts related to a specific company are arranged in six distinct tabs so that only one tab can be seen at a given time. Each tab features a single chart or table. You can only look at one tab at a time, however, you can move back and forth between the tabs as often as you like.
Every question offers a statement that refers to one of the tabs. It is the candidate’s task to choose the applicable tab, analyze its contents and conclude whether the statement is true, false or if the information provided is not enough to decide. To form a conclusion, the candidate not only needs to make sense of the numerical data accurately but also needs to work out which tab has the relevant information for that specific statement.
These exams are created to measure a candidate’s ability to deal with numbers accurately and fast. Cut-e uses many levels of complexity in their exams, according to the job role the candidate has applied for. The more complex the test, the more difficult the tables and diagrams are to understand. A basic exam will last for 5 minutes but a more complex test will last for 12 minutes.
Cut-e Verbal Ability Test
Scales Verbal
The scale verbal ability test is designed to evaluate both comprehension and reading in relation to basic information, and the ability to form logical conclusions for a given text. The exam gives a candidate a passage of text and they need to answer one of more statements, deciding if they are true, false, or cannot say. A candidate’s answer must be based solely on the information given in the passage. Some of the questions may just be true or false questions, and may not give the option of “cannot say”.
Scales Verbal SJT
The cut-e scales verbal Situational Judgement Test measures a candidate’s ability to select appropriate workplace responses to several typical workplace scenarios. Problems are given that relate to the job position the candidate has applied for. The candidate needs to rate various actions from highly undesirable to highly desirable.
Cut-e Logical Ability Test
Cut-e’s abstract or logical ability tests are available in various formats.
Scales cls Inductive-logical Thinking
A candidate is presented with ten 3×3 grids. Each square in the grid features either a letter or a number. Six of these grids are allocated to either the orange group of the blue group. A candidate must use these to isolate the rules that place a grid in one group or the other. A candidate must then conclude which group the remaining four grids belong to and select it to allocate it to the orange group or the blue group
Scales clx Inductive-logical Reasoning
A candidate is presented with six 3×3 grids. Each square in the grid features a shape, for instance, a triangle, cross, square, or circle. The two grids seen on the left-hand side of the screen follow identical rules. Two of the four on the right-hand side adhere to the same rule as the two on the left. The candidate needs to identify which two of the four follow the same rule and choose them.
Scales ix Inductive-logical Thinking
A candidate is presented with 9 objects, which could contain lines, shapes, symbols, or the like. One of these 9 isn’t in keeping with the same pattern as the others. The candidate needs to isolate the ‘wrong’ object.
Scales Ist Deductive logic Thinking
This test is similar in nature to sudoku. A candidate is presented with a grid, in which particular squares feature a shape, such as a triangle, cross, square, or circle. Each column or each row can depict no more than one of each shape. One of the boxes of the grid will show a question mark. The candidate will need to choose which square they think depicts this shape.
Sx Deductive-logical Thinking
A remarkably short 5-minute test. Four shapes, cross, diamond, circle, and triangle, go through an operation, whereby the position of each shape changes according to a particular set of numbers. For instance, 4,2,3,1 will indicate that the shape in location 4 will move to location 1, the shape in location 2 will remain in the same location, the shape in location 3 will also remain in the same location, however, the shape in location 1 will now move to location 4.
Cut-e Cognitive Ability Test
Scales blo
This exam measures a candidate’s sensory memory and short-term memory. Candidates are shown an image and asked if it is identical to the second to the last image in the sequence of three images they were presented with before. The candidate must then quickly answer yes or no. The system always presents candidates with a series of three images and then the image to compare.
Scales cmo
Scales cmo tests the candidate’s ability to understand information quickly. It presents the candidate with a dark screen that features a fixed number of white dots. The test is quite easy to understand. The candidate must simply count the number of white dots featured in the image and select the correct answer. The exam is multiple-choice.
Scales e3+
The cut-e Scales e3+ test measures concentration. The exam is quite straightforward. It shows the candidate images and asks if the image was or was not the item presented. For example, the system could show an image of a cat and ask, “Was this a cat?”. The candidate needs to form a quick response and answer yes or no.
Scales nav
The cut-e Scales sav evaluates a candidate’s sense of direction. The exam asks candidates to work out the direction a vehicle is moving from the perspective of the driver following several driving maneuvers. Candidates are presented with an arrow pointing in a single direction and are four choices for the driving maneuver from the perspective of the driver. The aim is to choose the answer that will lead the driver in the direction shown by the arrow.
Scales spr
Scales spr assesses the spatial reasoning of the candidate. The exam asks the candidate to mentally rotate, rearrange, and manipulate objects or shapes. Having done this the candidate must find the right 3D or 2D shape according to the rotation, rearrangement, or manipulation needed.
Cut-e Skills Test
There are three sorts of specialist skills tests and they relate to a specific job position.
The first type covers technical and mechanical reasoning skills. They are 15 minutes long and feature 24 questions. They are generally used in relation to engineering positions.
The second type measures your language skills and includes ten languages: English, German, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese, Czech, and Finnish. The test lasts for 10 minutes and will change in the level of its complexity according to the answers of the candidate.
Finally, there is a calculating capacity test that is used for technical type and engineering positions.
Cut-e Ability Tests Sample Questions & Answers

- 1:451
- 2:454
- 3:455
- 4:456
If Greg is sitting at Harris’s left, then Greg’s seat is 452.
The next seat to the left then is 451.
So the answer is A.
- 1:$8,100
- 2:$9,100
- 3:$10,100
- 4:$11,100
- 5:$12,100
Here we need to calculate the donation for each family.
52,000 / 40 = ?
Let’s make this calculation easier by splitting 52,000 into 40,000 and 12,000.
52,000 / 40 = (40,000 + 12,000) / 40
Now we will divide them separately by 40
52,000 / 40 = (40,000 + 12,000) / 40 = 1000 + 300 = 1300
Here, we have solved that there is a donation of $1300 for each family.
Going back to the question, we know that out of 40 families, 33 already received the donation so it leaves us with 7 families who did not. Let’s multiply 1300 by 7.
1300 X 7 = 9100
The answer is $9100 total left for the seven families
- 1:Forceful
- 2:Inadequote
- 3:Intimination
- 4:Reciprocake
The correct spelling of option B is inadequate, that of C is intimidation, and that of D is reciprocate.
The correct answer is therefore A.
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer(s).
- 1:swimming, watching
- 2:climbing, mindful
- 3:climbing, minding
- 4:swimming, watchful
People climb the mountains, and not swim through them. For the second blank, we are looking for an adjective, and not a verb. Thus, mindfulness is our best option.
There are risks that one must be prepared to face during mountain climbing. Not only do you have to be mindful of your steps, but you also have to be wary of the different plants and insects that live in the mountains.
The correct answer is therefore B.
How are Cut-e Tests Scored?
The majority of the cut-e tests will have points given for each answer you get right, whilst deducting points for each answer you get incorrect. All these points are added up to arrive at your final score, once you complete the exam.
How to Prepare for Your Cut-e Test
Top Tip #1. Go Over the Instructions Carefully
All the cut-e tests are different and although they may all have features of thinking and intelligence, it could be the first time you have seen these sorts of exams. The assessors are not looking to trip you up and will give you detailed and clear instructions to introduce you to the various ideas. Make sure you read the instructions well.
Top Tip #2. Practice Before the Day of the Test
Make sure you practice beforehand on mock test questions, like those offered by PrepTerminal. Take advantage of these mock tests to make sure you know what you need to do in the exam. Training on cut-e style tests can help you become familiar with the format and nature of these assessments.
Top Tip #3. Ensure You Have a Stable Internet Connection
All cut-e tests are administered online, so make sure that you have a good and stable internet connection.
Top Tip #4. Be as Prepared and Relaxed as Possible
Set up a quiet area and make it conducive to learning. Make sure you will not be disturbed during the test. Preparing by practicing on various cut-e mock tests. A top way to make sure that you pass your cut-e assessment is to get used to the style of questions and the time limits that you will experience on the real test day. This will help to maximize your confidence and ensure that you remain calm during the test.
Top Tip #5. Be Aware of the Time
The harsh time limits are meant to challenge you. Ensure that you know how many questions you need to answer in the given time frame, and work speedily and accurately. Practice as much as possible under ‘real’ test conditions.
Increase Your Chances of High Score with Prepterminal’s Cut-e Prep Course
The best way to improve your test scores is by sitting as many practice tests as possible before taking the real cut-e assessment test. By enrolling in PrepTerminal’s cut-e prep course you can learn how to read the test instructions and familiarize yourself with the style and format of these tests. Understanding in advance what the test demands and going over the mock tests carefully before you sit for the real assessment will help to ensure you make fewer errors.
By using PrepTerminal’s prep study course you will be able to develop tools and techniques that will enable you to understand the test questions accurately and quickly. PrepTerminals’ experienced team of psychometric test experts has developed the cut-e prep course specifically to help you increase your chances of scoring high on your Aon assessment.
Our preparatory course features video and text-based material so you can easily stay engaged throughout the prep course. Once you have enrolled in our course you will have access to the course material when and where you want. Follow along from the comfort of your home at a time that is convenient for you.
Why wait? The sooner you start preparing for your cut-e assessment the better chance you will have to optimize your test score.

Created by: Michael Lerner
BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
2541 students, 4.5, 414 Reviews
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