The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Test Types: Guide (2025)
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Aptitude and psychometric tests are one of the major requirements for any job that you apply for today. In a world where competition is so high, and consumers have many companies to purchase from, every employer wants to ensure that they hire the best talent to maintain optimal organizational performance.
If you are looking for or have applied for a job at an investor-owned electric company, you will be required to take EEI tests as part of the job application and selection process. These tests help electrical companies to identify and hire candidates who have the skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform industry-related jobs successfully.
Have you been invited to take an EEI test but you feel unprepared? Keep reading this article to find out how you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of succeeding in your upcoming EEI test.
What is the EEI test?
Also known as the Edison Electric Institute test, EEI tests are a series of tests that are developed to measure if a candidate possesses skills and abilities that are relevant to the energy industry. These tests help to determine if the skill set that an individual possesses can lead to job success in the industry.
EEI tests are created and maintained by the Edison Electric Institute, which has served as the representational body for privately owned and investor-electric companies in the U.S since 1933. EEI tests are specially tailored to measure skills such as problem-solving, math, spatial awareness, administrative, and technical and mechanical comprehension.
EEI test series is comprised of nine different tests that measure basic capabilities, strengths that are vital to succeeding in a certain role, as well as general industry knowledge. Candidates are not required to sit all nine tests. Instead, employers give them the test that is the closest match for the position they have applied for.
When you get invited to take an EEI test, your employer will most likely refer you to the EEI website for sample test material. However, this material will only provide you with a partial picture of what the test looks like, and they do not match the real test’s level of difficulty. Additionally, the sample tests are not timed, while the real test has strict time limits.
If you want to prepare adequately for an EEI test, use our comprehensive test prep pack. Our practice tests are developed by the best aptitude and psychometrics assessment experts. The questions are similar to those in the real EEI test; they match the EEI test’s difficulty level and use the time limits that each EEI test uses. Moreover, each question comes with a detailed explanation of how to arrive at the correct answer. This practice test is customized to give you a full picture of what the real test is like, which gives you an edge over your competitors.
What are the different EEI tests?
If you are seeking a job in investor-owned electric companies, the chances are that your potential employer relies on EEI tests to source the best talent on the market. Some of the private companies that use EEI include:
- Duke Energy
- Dominion Energy
- Southern Company
- FirstEnergy Corp
- Indianapolis Energy & Light Company
Here are the nine battery assessments that your potential employer might invite you to take, depending on the position that you have applied for:
1. Construction and Skilled Trade (Cast) Test
The CAST test is taken by people who have applied for occupations in the construction and skilled trade industries. This test has four subsets namely:
- Graphic arithmetic
- Mathematical usage
- Reading and comprehension
- Mechanical concepts
These four tests are administered for about two hours, with strict time limits.
2. Plant Operator Selection System (POSS)
This test helps to select employees for power plant operator jobs in the fossil fuel, hydroelectric, and nuclear energy sectors. This two-hour long test consists of the following four parts:
- Figural reasoning
- Mechanical concepts
- Reading comprehension
- Mechanical concepts
3. Power Plant Maintenance Positions Selection System (MASS)
You will probably take this test if you applied for a power plant maintenance job such as welding or pipe fitting in hydroelectric, fossil fuel, or nuclear sectors. Like the previous tests, this test has four papers:
- Reading comprehension
- Mechanical concepts
- Assembling objects
- Mathematical usage
4. Systems Operator/Power Dispatching Position Selection System (SO/PD)
This test is used to evaluate candidates for jobs in energy control centers such as power dispatchers, system operators, and system controllers. The SO/PD test has the following subsections:
- Analytic thinking skills
- Reading comprehension
- Multi-tasking simulation
- Mathematical usage
5. Metre Reading Aptitude Battery (MRAB)
MRAB is used to evaluate employees whose role will be to read meters and record data. It is lea than 20 minutes long and has the following sections:
- Coding
- Using Tables
6. Technician Occupations Selection System (TECH)
TECH helps select employees for technician jobs that are intended for highly skilled graduates who have applied for jobs in the energy sector. Some of the jobs covered by this test include laboratory technicians, communication engineers, and estimators. This test takes about an hour, and it has the following parts:
- Graphics problem solving
- Reasoning from rules
- Mechanical concepts
- Interpreting diagrams
7. Support and Administrative Selection System (SASS)
This test assesses if candidates possess administrative skills for energy-related jobs. The three possible tests that you might be required to take are:
- Basic keyboard skills battery
- Basic competency assessment battery
- Advanced competency assessment battery
8. Customer Service Representative Test Battery (CSR)
If you have been invited for this test, your hard and soft skills will be assessed to determine if you have what it takes to deal with customers and the general public. This test has two sections:
- Job skills test
- Interactive test
9. Career Assessment and Diagnostic instrument (CADI)
CADI fully assesses one’s capabilities, management style, and aspirations. Normally, this test is taken by senior personnel, and it gives organizations accurate profiles that can be used to determine if there is a need for training as well as assess if one is fit for a given role within an organization. The sections in this test are:
- Graphics problem solving
- Interpreting diagrams
- Reasoning from rules
- Mechanical concepts
If you have been invited to take one of these tests, you are probably wondering if you really need to prepare for the test. Remember that you are not the only one that the employer is considering for the position and to have an edge over your competitors, you have to prepare. PrepTerminal’s comprehensive test prep pack has the best material that will help you get ready for the upcoming test. The questions in our test prep pack are prepared by experts, and they mirror those that you will find in the real test. Our test prep pack is not only timed but also featured detailed explanations of the answer to every question, helping you revise for the test better. You can take as many prep tests as you like, to increase your chances of getting a high score.

Rapid CAST Mastery Course
Last Updated: Jan 07, 2025
Rapid CAST Mastery Course
Course Content
- 1BONUS Interview Prep Video GuideBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 2Intro and StrategyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 3CAST LeversBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 4Mechanical ConceptsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 5Graphic Arithmetic TestBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 6Graphic ArithmeticBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 7BuoyancyBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 8AcousticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 9OpticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 10ThermodynamicsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 11PressureBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 12Electric PowerBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 13Series & Parallel CircuitsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 14Electrical CircuitsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 15Gas PressureBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 16Other Simple MachinesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 17Circular MotionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 18BallisticsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 19SpringsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 20Pulley SystemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 21GearsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 22TablesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 23Wheels & BeltsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 24Rates & ProportionBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 25RatioBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 26PercentagesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 27Lowest ValuesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 28Number SeriesBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 29Word ProblemsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
- 30CAST Practice TestsBuy this Course: Get full access to all lessons, practice tests and guides.
Keys to EEI test success
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to doing well in EEI tests, but these tips will definitely help you out.
- Prepare early with the best resources. Look for practice material that allows you to analyze your prep test results such as PrepTerminal’s practice tests
- Pace yourself as you take practice tests
- Read all questions carefully during the test
- Avoid fact traps
- If you are not sure about an answer, use the elimination method to arrive at the right one
- Get a good night’s sleep the day before the test
- Be confident in your skills and abilities
If you’d like to get the best score on your EEI test, quit worrying about what the test will look like and if it will be difficult, and start practicing with our test prep package. This package covers all EEI tests, and it is written by exam experts who conduct research every month to ensure that the tests and all questions are up-to-date with industry requirements and trends. The prep pack covers all critical test areas and skills that you to emerge top in the real EEI test. Prepare with us today, enhance your capabilities, and get your dream job.

Created by: Michael Lerner
BSc, Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert
6876 students, 4.3, 1348 Reviews
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