
Talent Q test: Guide on Logical, Verbal & Numerical Tests (2025)

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Talent Q is a leading online psychometric assessment company. The tests are delivered by Korn Ferry, part of the Hay Group. Talent Q has an extensive portfolio of assessments, which are primarily used as pre-employment aptitude tests. Talent Q is typically used by employers to assess job-seekers and graduates in various areas of knowledge and skill. Their assessments include cognitive ability tests, such as verbal, numerical, and logical reasoning exams.

Talent Q cognitive ability tests measure your reasoning skills and your ability to analyze reports and written information, through the use of statistics, figures, and data, and interpreting logical or abstract symbols.

All of Talent Q’s cognitive ability tests are ‘adaptive’, which means that their system selects the questions you are shown according to your previous responses and whether they were right or wrong. If you are applying for a position as a supervisor, manager, or any high-level employee position, it is highly likely that you will be asked to complete a Talent Q assessment.

At PrepTerminal our industry specialists have carefully designed a Talent Q preparatory course to help you ace your specific Talent Q test.

Types of Talent Q Tests

Talent Q provides the typical verbal, numerical, and logical reasoning tests as well as several personality testing solutions. However, these tests are divided into different categories of tests, which all adopt a distinct approach to the testing process. The aim of these assessments is to be flexible enough to be used in relation to recruiting, team-building, development, and potential. The adaptive testing technique used in their cognitive tests strives to create flexibility within the tests, which can help when screening job-seekers and graduates.

Talent Q Elements

Talent Q’s aptitude tests are called Elements. These are categorized into three test styles: verbal, numerical, and logical. These assessment types are used in many different sectors, from graduate-level roles to managerial roles. All Element tests come with a time limit of 15 minutes. Let’s take a look at the three Talent Q Element aptitude tests:

Elements Verbal: The Elements Verbal test assesses your verbal reasoning capabilities. The test measures your ability to understand the information presented in the form of written passages, and to analyze arguments that relate to the information in the written text. The test generally features 15 questions.

Elements Numerical: The Elements Numerical test assesses your numerical reasoning ability. The test measures your capacity to analyze numerical data in table form and to draw logical conclusions based on deductions. The test generally features 12 questions.

Elements Logical: The Elements Logical test assesses your inductive/logical reasoning capabilities. The test measures your capacity to identify patterns and logical conclusions when presented with a sequence of images or abstractions, including symbols, arrows, and rotations. The test generally features 12 questions.

Talent Q Aspect Ability

The Aspect Ability tests are generally given to job applications applying for administration, non-managerial, or operations roles. The Aspect Ability tests feature three types of tests:

Aspects Ability Verbal: This section assesses your verbal reasoning skills. The test questions feature paragraphs of information, which are followed by questions and statements that connect to the paragraph. You need to correctly answer each question or statement according to the information given in the paragraphs. There are generally 15 questions to complete.

Aspects Ability Numerical: This aptitude test assesses how well you pay attention to detail. The test includes various scenarios with lists of numbers and words. You need to identify mistakes in the lists of numbers and words. There are generally 8 questions to complete. It is important to note the Aspects Ability tests are timed per question. In other words, there is a time limit for each test question.

Talent Q Dimensions

Dimensions is a personality assessment that takes approximately 25 minutes to complete and is multiple-choice. There are 160 statements that will be used to assess a candidate’s behavioral patterns. This assessment is typically administered during the later stages of the hiring process or used in relation to employee development.

Dimensions give an employer a wide range of information on a candidate’s personality, including insight on how they will work with peers and manage colleagues. It also offers information on how the candidate will control their energy and emotions.

The survey provides information on a candidate’s personality according to three general areas: People and Relationships, Tasks and Projects, and Drives and Emotions. The Dimensions test was intended to be used across all sectors, levels, and functions. This assessment can be used to help with hiring, development, and team-building activities.

Talent Q Motivations

This is a questionnaire that evaluates a candidate’s values, motivations, and drivers at work. The information gleaned from this questionnaire can be used to coach individuals on what types of tasks or roles could suit them. It can also be used to assist leaders and to help them appreciate how to motivate and engage with their teams. The questionnaire presents a series of statements that are connected to the topic of motivation and the candidate needs to rate them from ‘Not important’ to ‘Extremely important’.

Talent Q Situational Judgement

The Talent Q Situational Judgement test, also known as SJT, is created to assess many factors needed to be successful in a particular job role within an employing company. The test is customized to show the particular competencies and certain scenarios faced. SJTs can be used to assess factors including, organization values, key competencies, culture fit, preferred behavior, motivation, and attitude.

Talent Q Prep Course

Talent Q Prep Course

367 Reviews|2587 Students
Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024

Talent Q Prep Course

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Companies Using Talent Q Test

Korn Ferry’s Talent Q assessments are seen in many industries including, education, marketing, administration, consulting, and hospitality. The Talent Q assessment system has created a niche for itself and is used by companies including, Carlsberg, Vodafone, British American Tobacco, Deloitte, Verizon, Somerfield, GE Money or City Group, AstraZeneca, Royal Mail, and Volkswagen.

Top Tips For Passing Talent Q Test

Tip #1. Create a Conducive Testing Environment

The Talent Q tests are typically taken online, either at an assessment center or at home. Make sure you have a quiet place where you can focus and won’t be distracted during the test. Also, ensure that your internet connection is steady and reliable. All assessments need to be taken in one sitting, but if your internet connection drops, you will have the chance to log back into that point in the assessment.

Tip #2. Take Practice Tests as Much as You Can

Make the best use of your time leading up to the test. Take practice tests to familiarize yourself with the look, feel, and functionality of these types of assessments. You want to rule out, as much as possible, the chance of any unexpected surprises on the day of the test.

Tip #3. Work steadily

Work quickly but don’t compromise on accuracy. The Talent Q ability tests measure your speed, but this doesn’t mean you need to rush through the questions. Read each question correctly and take a few moments to check that you have selected the right answer. Each question will be timed individually, so you will be able to keep track of the time as you progress.

Tip #4. Manage Your Stress Levels

When going through the recruitment process, it is normal to feel some anxiety before or during the exercise. While a little stress may be helpful to make sure you complete the test at a reasonable pace, it is essential that you remain as relaxed as you can when on the day of the test.

How Prepterminal Can Help You Ace The Talent Q Test

Prepterminal’s Talent Q test prep course has been developed so that you can effectively prepare for each question type. This way, you will have the tools you need to excel in your exam, ensure a top score report, and land the job you want.

In addition, this course includes a bonus comprehensive module on the Talent Q dimensions personality assessment, so you can thoroughly prepare for every section of your test. What’s more, is that once you enroll in our Talent Q assessment prep course you will receive lifetime access to our course.

As our course material is presented in the form of 7 video guides and 12 instructional guides you can easily stay engaged in the subject matter of the course, and you won’t need to waste time trying to make sense of the course material. Rather, you can stay focused on your aim to ace your Talent Q test and enhance your score.

Our reliable prep course also comes with 13 practice sets and over 100 practice tests so you can gain familiarity with all types of Talent Q questions. Giving yourself time to practice on Talent Q-type questions is the best way to optimize your performance and maximize your confidence.

*Note: Talent Q & other trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with PrepTerminal or this website.
Matthew Appleyard

Created by: Matthew Appleyard

Psychometric Tutor, Prepterminal Test Expert

2587 students,
, 367 Reviews

I’m Matthew Appleyard, Prepterminal’s TalentQ Prep expert. Any questions about the course? Let me know at [email protected]

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